
Hospital CFO Priorities Shift in 2010

According to the finance component of HealthLeaders Media Industry Survey 2010, quality was moved down as a priority in favor of physician recruitment and cost reduction. No surprise, as financial results suffer the effects of the recession, and healthcare reform has raised the specter of further pressures. The survey is robust and quite comprehensive. I recommend it to you, for a detailed view of CFO's concerns and thoughts.

In an April 15th article by the same organization, entitled Moody's: Health Reform Will Drive Consolidation, Hinder Credit for Nonprofit Hospitals, Moody's Investors Services is quoted as saying healthcare reform will have a long-term negative credit effect on not-for-profit hospitals, even though it will reduce bad debt expenses and charity care. "The key longer-term challenge for the not-for-profit hospital sector is the reform's reliance on extracting long-term cost efficiencies from hospitals, probably resulting in diminished hospital revenues," said Moody's Vice President Mark Pascaris, author of the report, Long-term Credit Challenges of Healthcare Reform Outweigh Benefits for Not-for-Profit Hospitals.
In the Media Industry Survey, financial leaders ranked their top three priorities for the next three years as:

• Physician recruitment and retention (37.50%)
• Cost reduction (35.53%)
• Patient experience/patient satisfaction (33.55%)

Last year's ranking was:
• Quality/patient safety (68%)
• Physician recruitment and
  retention (38%)
• Reimbursement (31%)

During a down economy, recruitment and retention is just one avenue to get a hospital’s finances in shape, revenue management is another big area. The big question to me is, what will the hospital of the future look like, given the far-reaching changes contemplated in the Healthcare Reform Act, and what should the resultant long-term strategies be to prepare for that future? That will shape the priorities for CFOs, going forward.


  1. Arnie:
    Lookes good, and very professional. Do you have any predictions on what the hospital of the future will look like? That would be VERY readable!
    By the way, do you ever read the magazine "Healthcare Informatics?" Kathy and I know the Editor in Chief.

  2. Buff:Thanks, I'll check out the magazine.
